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Take what you need.

Leave what you can.

We are proud to be given the opportunity to house a micro-pantry, a small free food pantry, located outside in a wooden case similar to a book shelf.

Inside you will find non-perishable and non-expired food to help out those in need 24/7. 

What better way to share the love of God
than to not only FEED the hungry but also to
provide HOPE for the needy?

A local man started Micro-Pantries here in the Joliet with the intention to ignite a fire that burns throughout the community. We here at Faith are fanning this flame until the whole community is on fire. We want the people that reside within our community to feel the WARMTH OF GOD’S LOVE among them rather than the burn of hunger inside them.

Our Micro-Pantry is stocked regularly with donations of food and hygiene items and is open to anyone in need.

We always welcome anyone and everyone that we see utilizing our pantry.

Share the love of God every chance you can.