Kids and Families
Kids are not only the church of the future, they are the church of today! At baptism, we promise to each infant that we will be a community that puts the scriptures, the creed, and the Lord’s prayer into their hands. We promise to pray for them and support them in their life of faith. Everything we do for and with kids is a response to those promises we make in baptism.
All children are welcome at every event! Bring your children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, cousins, neighbors, friends - basically any child in your life to participate in the fun!
Confirmation Schedule:
January 18 & 25
February 1 & 8
February 22: Ash Wednesday
March 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29
April 5, 12, 19 & 26
May 3, 10, 17, 14 & 31
(Dates subject to change. Check back often, or check your newsletter for changes.)
Sunday School
Sunday School is in full swing!
Kids ages 3-12th grade gather for Sunday school between 11-11:45 a.m., after worship. We engage the stories of the Bible through games, crafts, songs and music, movies, and drama. Whether this is your first time joining us or you 100th time, we love to have you!
Youth grades 6th-8th participate in our confirmation program on Wednesdays from 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. in person and via Zoom. Confirmation is a time set aside for youth to discern for themselves whether they are prepared to affirm their baptismal identity as children of God. It is a rite of passage, a time of study and preparation, as well as play and fun! We study our Lutheran heritage, our Lutheran theology, and the Bible as well as engaging in service projects, retreats, and confirmation camp! If you’re interested in getting your youth signed up, please email us, call us, or register online!
Advent Kids Camp
The three Saturdays before Christmas are reserved for Advent Kids Camp at Faith! Camp goes from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm. It is FREE and includes Bible stories, music, arts and crafts, games, free lunch and drama! The program culminates in a Christmas pageant that the kids perform the Sunday before Christmas.
This event is for youth ages 3 through 8th grade.
We love kids in worship but if it’s helpful to parents, children ages 3 and under are invited to stay in our supervised nursery during worship.
Communion Class
We encourage every family to decide for themselves when they would like their children to receive first communion. Communion is a gift, given by God, freely for all and so we allow children of any age to commune. We also, however, encourage families to bring their children for communion instruction once they are of elementary school age.
Communion is a like a wonderful gift. You don’t have to understand the instruction manual to unwrap it, but at a certain point, the instructions really do make a difference!
We do communion classes the Saturday before Palm Sunday or as needed.